Hellam Township Municipal Offices will be closed Monday, February 17th, in observation of Presidents' Day. Our offices will reopen Tuesday, February 18th, at 8:00AM. If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, contact County Control at 717-854-5571.

Short-Term Rentals

Short Term Rental Packet

Short-Term Rental FAQs

What is a short-term rental (STR)?

A short-term rental is the rental of a residential unit or a portion of it for less than 30 consecutive nights. The tenant compensates the owner or property rental management agency for the unit.

Where are short-term rentals permitted in Hellam Township?

Short-term rentals are permitted in the Rural Agricultural, Residential, Mixed-Use 1, and Mixed-Use 2 zones. They are subject to the provisions of Chapter 490 of the Hellam Township Code.

Is a license required to operate a short-term rental in Hellam Township?

Yes, property owners must obtain a short-term rental license from the Zoning Officer before operating an STR. Operating without a license is a violation of Chapter 382 of the Hellam Township Code.

What are the requirements for obtaining a short-term rental license?

  • The short-term rental license application must include:
    • The property owner's name, address, telephone number, and email address. If a managing agency is used, their information must also be provided.
    • Floor plans of the STR unit, including:
      • Total habitable floor area
      • Total number of bedrooms
      • Total number of occupants permitted
      • An emergency evacuation plan
      • Locations of all smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers.
    • A site plan showing the location and number of off-street parking spaces.
    • Proof of adequate sewage disposal approved by the Sewage Enforcement Officer.
    • A copy of the current Pennsylvania sales tax license and York County Hotel Excise Tax certificate.
    • Signatures of the property owner and the local managing agent or local contact person.
    • Trespass waiver signed by the owner, allowing Enforcement Officers to access the property for inspection purposes.
    • A copy of the current deed to the subject property.
    • Declaration page of a current and paid-up insurance policy for the property showing at least $500,000 in liability insurance covering short-term rentals for the license term.

What are some of the standards that apply to short-term rentals?

  • Only one structure on a parcel may be licensed and used as an STR.
  • Individual rooms in a structure cannot be rented as STRs to different tenants unless the owner occupies the structure.
  • No yard parking is allowed. Each STR must have at least one off-street parking space.
  • Quiet hours are from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
  • The property owner is responsible for any trash or noise disturbances caused by tenants or guests.
  • Overnight occupancy is limited to two people per bedroom plus four additional people per dwelling unit.
  • The maximum number of unregistered guests (in addition to overnight tenants) is 75% of the maximum overnight occupancy. No unregistered guests are permitted between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
  • No signs advertising the STR are permitted on the property.
  • The STR license, along with a depiction of the emergency evacuation route, must be displayed in a conspicuous location within the licensed premises at all times.
  • All occupied rooms offered for rent must have a working smoke detector and a working carbon monoxide detector.
  • Each STR must have a working fire extinguisher on each floor.

How long is a short-term rental license valid, and how is it renewed?

A short-term rental license is valid for one year from the date of issuance. It must be renewed annually by February 15th. Renewal applications must note any changes from the previous application.

Who is responsible for enforcing the short-term rental ordinance?

The Zoning Officer, Building Code Officer, and Sewage Enforcement Officer are designated as Enforcement Officers and are responsible for enforcing the provisions of Chapter 382.

What happens if there is a violation of the short-term rental ordinance?

If an Enforcement Officer believes a violation has occurred, a written notice of violation will be sent to the property owner. The notice will detail the violation, the actions required to correct it, and the timeframe for correction. Violations of the ordinance are considered a public nuisance.  Any person, partnership, or corporation found liable for a violation in a civil enforcement proceeding may be fined up to $1,000.00. Each day the violation continues is a separate violation. The Township may also pursue other legal actions to enforce the ordinance.

What is the appeals process for notices or decisions related to short-term rentals?

Anyone affected by a notice or decision issued in connection with the enforcement of Chapter 382 can request a hearing before the Hellam Township Board of Supervisors. The appeal must be filed in writing with the Secretary of the Board of Supervisors within 30 days of the notice or decision. The filing of a hearing request stays further action except in cases where immediate action is required to protect public health. After the hearing, the Board of Supervisors will issue a written order either granting the appeal or affirming the notice or decision.

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