Hellam Township Municipal Offices will be closed Monday, February 17th, in observation of Presidents' Day. Our offices will reopen Tuesday, February 18th, at 8:00AM. If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, contact County Control at 717-854-5571.

Zoning Hearing Board


Zoning Hearing Board meetings are held at 6:00 PM on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of the month, on an as-needed basis (if an application is received), at the Hellam Township Municipal Building, located at 35 Walnut Springs Road, York, Pennsylvania.


The Hellam Township Zoning Hearing Board is a five-member Board. This body is a Quasi-Judicial Body whose authority is granted by the Municipal Planning Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. There is one alternate member. The term is a five-year staggered term. Local authority and guide line of operational decision is established by the Hellam Township Zoning Ordinance and the Hellam Township Comprehensive Plan.

 Duties and Responsibilities

  • To accept, review, hear testimony, and act on all applications received for Zoning matters such as specials exceptions, variances, and appeals from the Zoning Officer’s determination

 Current Members

  • Leonard Leiphart
  • Michael Rhoads
  • Steve Landis
  • Steve Wolf
  • Alternate: D. Alfred Owens


Hellam Township is seeking volunteers to serve on the Zoning Hearing Board

At the Re-Organization meeting of the Board of Supervisors on January 6th, the Board of Supervisors discussed and voted to put a new process in place for appointing Zoning Hearing Board members. If you wish to be considered to fill a vacancy on the Zoning Hearing Board, you must complete the volunteer application form and submit to the Township Manager.  Once the form is submitted, an interview will be scheduled and conducted by the Board of Supervisors before consideration and appointment for the position.

This Board is a Quasi-Judicial Body whose authority is granted by the Municipal Planning Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and established by the Hellam Township Zoning Ordinance Article IV subsection 490-139-147.   Follow this link to ordinance for detailed information,  https://ecode360.com/9982545

The Board of Supervisors is actively working to make sure prospective volunteers understand the importance of this role. The Board will also discuss, with the applicant during the interview, the various trainings and assistance for learning that is being offered to fulfill the role.

Volunteer Form

  • Examples: club, recreation, activities, land preservation, etc.
    Mark all that apply
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