Hellam Township Municipal Offices will be closed Monday, February 17th, in observation of Presidents' Day. Our offices will reopen Tuesday, February 18th, at 8:00AM. If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, contact County Control at 717-854-5571.
To get property line information you can contact the York County assessment office for more details, or contact a consultant to survey your property. York County Assessment Office If you have a dispute over a property line, that is a civil matter and must be handled through the District Magistrate’s Office. HERE
Hellam Township is on a four year cycle for pumping. Reminder notices are sent out at the beginning of the year your pumping is due. You must use an approved hauler and once the hauler pumps your system, they will send a manifest of the pumping to the Township for recording.
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture regulates and issues pet licensing in York County. For more information, please visit their website. Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Pet Licensing
To apply for a building permit, you must first fill out a building permit application and submit it to Hellam Township. Printed applications are available in the Township vestibule, or you can download a digital copy HERE. Hellam Township uses two, third-party, building inspections services. They are Common Wealth Code Inspection Services (CCIS) and Building … Continued
To obtain a copy of a birth certificate, please contact the Pennsylvania Department of Health, or visit their website. Pennsylvania Department of Health: Birth Certificates
To obtain a marriage license you must contact the Clerk of Orphans’ Court, located within the County Court of Common Pleas. Marriage License Applications in York County are filed electronically, and appointments are held by video conferences. Marriage Licenses are emailed to applicants following the video conference. For more information, please visit the website Clerk … Continued