FAQ Topic: Business

Where do I go to get information about my property line?

To get property line information you can contact the York County assessment office for more details, or contact a consultant to survey your property. York County Assessment Office If you have a dispute over a property line, that is a civil matter and must be handled through the District Magistrate’s Office. HERE

How do I file a right-to-know request?

For more information about filing a right-to-know request with Hellam Township, click the link below: Hellam Township: Filing a Right-To-Know Request

How do I file for a liquor license?

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board issues, renews and validates retail and wholesale alcohol licenses. Interested in obtaining a license? Please contact the Bureau of Licensing. For a new license, which may be limited by a statutory quota, an applicant must apply to the PLCB Bureau of Licensing. Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board

What are the zoning restrictions in the Township?

The zoning ordinances of Hellam Township are nuanced and complex. For specific questions regarding zoning restrictions, please search our zoning ordinances using the link below, or call the Township for a more detailed response, at 717-434-1300. Hellam Township Ordinances

What are the Township’s dog ordinances?

For any ordinance related questions, please search our ordinance database, by clicking the link below. If you still have questions, call the Township at 717-434-1300. Hellam Township Ordinances

Does the Township require a business license?

The Township does not require a license for you to run a business. However, you need to verify all State and County regulations first before proceeding. You’ll also need to speak with the zoning officer before starting any business within the Township, to make sure you’re adhering to the appropriate zoning guidelines.

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