How do I pay my water bill?

There are two water companies that service the communities of Hellam Township. Most residents are serviced through the York Water Company. By visiting, you can find out more information about automatic bill payments, or utilize online bill pay to pay your water bill. You can also pay over the phone by calling 1-866-665-9578, or pay by mail by mailing your payment to The York Water Company PO BOX 3009 Lancaster, PA 17604-3009.

Other Hellam Township residents, who have Wrightsville addresses, have their water serviced by the Wrightsville Municipal Authority. The convenience of paying your bill in person can be done at the Wrightsville Borough Municipal Office, located at 601 Water St., Wrightsville, PA 17368. Payments can be mailed to the following lockbox address: Wrightsville Borough Municipal Authority P.O. Box #187 Wrightsville, PA 17368. Payments can be made online too, by visiting the following link, Wrightsville Municipal Authority Online Payments or by Direct Bank Payment (ACH). Click the following link to download the ACH payment form and mail it to: Wrightsville Borough Municipal Authority PO Box 187, Wrightsville, PA 17368 or drop it off in the drop box located outside the Borough office.Direct Bank Payment (ACH) PDF Form

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