York County is updating the Open Space and Trails component of our Comprehensive Plan, and we need YOUR input! Whether you enjoy a peaceful walk in the park, value local farms and access to fresh foods, appreciate the beauty of protected green spaces or want to ensure the health and well-being of our community. We want to hear from all our residents!
Some of the benefits of open space and trails include:
• Boost Property Values: Trails and open spaces make York County a more attractive place to live, work, and play.
• Support Local Agriculture: Open spaces help sustain our critical farming industry, providing fresh, local foods and jobs.
• Protect Our Environment: Open spaces reduce flooding, protect wildlife, and improve air quality.
• Enhance Community Well-being: Trails and parks offer places to exercise, de-stress, and connect with neighbors.
Our goal is to preserve York County’s natural and cultural assets, protect farmland, improve recreational spaces, and create a cohesive, interconnected network of greenways and trails. Everyone’s feedback is crucial in helping us to create a plan that benefits everyone.
Click the link below to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YorkOSTrails2024
Please participate in the survey; it takes less than 10 minutes to complete!
Let’s work together to make York County a better place to live, work, and play!